About Giant Schnauzers

Giant Schnauzers are great guard dogs, as they love their owner with all their heart. they are also very clean so if your worrying about cleanin gup poo's and pee's or cleaning up hair, you don't because these dogs are one of the most cleverest and cleanest dogs alive, Giant Schnauzers adapt to almost anything extremley quickly, which means they can learn quickly, this makes teaching them tricks or training them so much more efficient and easy.


Giant Schnauzer'a are a very clever breed, It's very easy to traine them and they understand you without a problem, these dogs are very loyal and at the same time playful and careful, they make sure if they don't do the right thing they won't do it again but this is only possible with a punishment. Giant Schnauzers need a lot of attention as they are very active dogs, which means they need to go on at least 2 walks a day, you need to spend time with them (laying with them in the garden) These dogs also prefer to not be alone so another dog, idealy of the same breed to live with them, Giant Schnauzers require quite a large amount of space, inside and outside, they need a large space inside to sleep as a too small space is uncomfortable and outside, to run around and play.

What do Giant Schnauzers enjoy? They enjoy many things, from past expieriences they love going on walks, playing with sticks, playing with other dogs and swimming in shallow rivers or ponds. They love to play with Humans and be next to them all the time and they would prefer to have their own personal space. What do they not enjoy? Being on a lead, a lead is maybe needed for most dogs but for these, you dont need a lead, we do not use a lead and they carry on running back to us and always walking next to us. When you first get these dogs you might want to keep them on a lead until they feel more comfortable, but as soon as they are comfortable, they will always be next to you